Summer School & Internship Program 2024
Experience, learn, and discover your interest in the world of engineering!
About the Program
About the Program

Welcome to the Summer School Program at Amirkabir University of Technology, where you will have the opportunity to engage with experts in the field of engineering at a leading technical university.

AUT 2024 Summer School offers a diverse range of courses taught in English, industry visits, and science tours while enjoying the beauty of summer in Iran.

It’s an enriching experience aimed at unlocking your potential and equipping you with valuable knowledge and skills relevant to your field of study.

Join us on this journey at AUT for a summer filled with learning, exploration, and unforgettable memories in Iran. 

Who can apply?
Who can apply?

AUT’s 2024 Summer School offers a range of advanced specialized courses, laboratory workshops, and visits to industry sites and the AUT Science and Technology Park. These programs are designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students across all engineering disciplines. Additionally, we provide knowledge-enhancement programs for faculty members.

Important dates
Important dates

AUT’s 2024 Summer School Program will run from July 20 to August 2, 2024, and the application deadline is June 30, 2024.  

Incoming students and faculty members will attend an orientation program separately before the course start. The agenda and details will be announced after the application deadline.

Application procedure & fees
Application procedure & fees

The program fee for students from our partner universities is 600 Euros. Which includes accommodation (in Tehran), all scheduled cultural activities, academic seminars and courses, company visits, local transportation, health and accident insurance.